Machine Learning Services
KnoDTec offers Machine Learning services and enabling the company to develop customized solutions to algorithms. Our team will help you merge these machine-learning algorithms with video and image analytics.
Our goal is to achieve the highest customer satisfaction by helping you take your business to a new altitude of success.
Why KnoDTec For Machine Learning?
- Our team has substantial Machine learning capabilities
- We have proficiency in frameworks like coffee, Keras, TensorFlow, Theano, etc..
- KnoDTec's professionals will help you address solutions related to hardware platforms like NVIDIA, Qualcomm, Texas Instrument, NXP, etc..
- Our committed engineers are capable enough to design and build algorithms from scratch
- Proficiency in building solutions using open source libraries
- KnoDTec has an alliance with cloud platforms like Azure, AWS, IBM Watson, Google Cloud, etc. to make certain that you get the best services
- Advanced proficiency is Neutral Network architectures like VGGNet, AlexNet, Inception V3, SqueezeNet, etc
Key Highlights Of Our Machine Learning Services:
- Machine Learning: Supervised /Semi-supervised/Unsupervised learning, Anomaly Detection
- Deep Learning: Driver Behaviour
- Image Analytics: Face Analytics: Detection, Recognition, Demographics, & Expression, Human Activity Recognition
- Natural Language Processing: Conversational Interfaces / Chatbots